10 day alcohol free challenge


Hey friend! I'm so glad you're here. Like you, I felt frustrated with my drinking habit and even a little scared that I had a problem. I would tell myself I wasn't going to have any wine until the weekend, but would feel the compounding stress of the work week/mother load by Wednesday and always pour myself 2 or so glasses mid week.

I was in a cycle that felt hard to break and my drinking habit made me feel like crap.

This challenge will help you break the CYCLE of drinking!

Not only are we going to change your drinking habit by taking 10 days off, we're going to uncover the REASONS you're drinking. Knowing WHY you're drinking and learning tools to solve some of those problems, is what changes your drinking habit long term.

For the next 10 days, I'm going to be your virtual alcohol free coach.

Let's go!!



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